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Keeping your fire alarms safe and sound

Put simply, installing fire alarms save lives.

Maintaining those alarms is just as crucial.

Recent research has shown that in one in five accidental fires, smoke alarms fail to activate because they are broken or not in the right place.

Senior firefighters warn:

“Smoke alarms do save lives, but only if they work.

“They should be tested every month to make sure they are in good working order and cleaned out every six months so they’re in the best condition they can be.

"However, smoke detectors have a life span often years and must be changed. Inside they have a sensor that will decay overtime, so it’s well worth setting a reminder on your phone’s calendar to prompt you about your monthly tests, six monthly clean and ten-year update.”

Top tips for peace of mind

*Test all alarms regularly to make sure they work

*Install at least one smoke alarm on each level of your premises and in the rooms you use most

*Carbon monoxide alarms should be installed in all rooms where there is a fuel burning appliance

*Ensure all appliances are installed and maintained correctly by registered and suitably qualified professional teams such as Elevate FM

As well as maintaining fire alarms you should:

*Buy adequate fire extinguishers and make sure they are in the right place

*Check fire doors and ensure they’re closed and free of obstructions

*Check emergency signs and lighting are expertly installed and well maintained

*Regularly monitor your electrical system for any faults that need attention

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