At Elevate FM, we offer a total facilities management service, offering both soft and hard facilities management solutions. Within our portfolio and throughout our services, we practice due diligence towards compliance at every step of the way. Not only is this our preferred way of responsibly working, but it also supports our client's requirements.
We are constantly monitoring any changing compliance regulations and can support you to remain compliant.
Why use Elevate FM for compliance?
- Additional expertise to support in-house capabilities
- Reduced costs compared to employing a compliance manager
- Wide range of expertise across all areas of property management
- Application and implementation expertise
- Vast amount of experience to help you achieve 3rd party accreditation
How do we deliver this?
- Working with you on a consultative basis to offer a bespoke service to audit and implement improvements
- Reporting and documentation as evidence of compliance, accessible to clients on an easy-to-use platform
- Complete project management
- Regular inspections and open and honest advice, that you can trust
- Carry out work that adheres to compliance regulations